
Lions serve our community with projects such as:

Copperopolis Angel Tree Program

The Lion’s Club organizes the Angel Tree Holiday Gift Program to provide gifts to children and assist families who otherwise wouldn’t have the resources to

celebrate a happy Christmas.

Children must be 14 years of age or under, live in Copperopolis and school age children must be enrolled in school. Families who are experiencing some type of hardship are eligible for this program. Names are collected by the Lions Club each year before Christmas. An anonymous tag for each child then adorns a Christmas tree. People are invited to take a tag and purchase a gift for that child.

Angel Tree

Little Free Libraries

Lake Tulloch Lions Club has three Little Libraries in the community. They are located at Black Creek Park, Copper’s Java House, and IGA. Calaveras First Five registered them with the national organization. The Libraries provide easy access to books allowing you to borrow a book and leave a book for others. Dave Grimsshaw and Bob Toynbee built the libraries which are maintained by Sigrid Kehr and Sue Martinez.

Little Free Libraries

Lake Tulloch Lions Club Scholarships

The Lake Tulloch Lions club has been providing scholarships to Bret Harte Union High School graduates for a number of years. Through the efforts of Courtney Brooksher, the scholarship coordinators at Bret Harte, thousands of dollars in scholarship money has been awarded to deserving scholars. In recent years the total of scholarship dollar awards presented on Senior Awards Night has totaled amounts in the two hundred thousand dollar range.
Over the last few years the Lake Tulloch Lions club has made available four to six thousand dollars in scholarship awards to the graduating class at Bret Harte. In 2019 the club gave seven, one thousand dollar scholarships. The criteria and basis for scholarship recipient awards are that the student must be a Copperopolis area resident with an acceptable combination of scholastic performance, ACT & SAT exam results. Consideration is given for essay content and style, their proposed career field and life goals, monetary need and intent to obtain employment to help with expenses, participation in school and community based activities, and college, university or post-secondary technical training of choice.